In the event of an emergency, please call 209-847-5951. If this call is being made after business hours, press 0 for immediate transfer to our answering service who will alert our on-call veterinarian.
Please have the following information ready when you call:
- Horse owner’s name and phone number
- Horse name, age, breed, and sex
- Description of the problem
- Insurance company name (if applicable)
- Pen and paper to write down any instructions
If you aren’t sure whether the situation is a true emergency, that’s okay, still call our phone number and connect with the answering service. Our on-call veterinarian will discuss your horse’s situation with you.
How it works:
Pioneer’s veterinarians are on call 24/7 to assist in after-hours equine emergencies. When calling the clinic after-hours, you will reach an automated message prompt that will transfer you to the answering service, who will then contact the on-call veterinarian. The on-call veterinarian will call you within 10 minutes. We offer both in-house and ambulatory services on emergency. Ambulatory call may be made within a 50-mile radius from the clinic.
Whenever possible, we recommend hauling your horse to the clinic; where we have all our diagnostic tools available, if needed. The emergency veterinarian will meet you when you arrive. Calling in 20 minutes before your arrive is essential, as the on-call veterinarian is not always on site. We have skilled and compassionate technicians to help monitor and treat your horse around the clock, should they remain in hospital.
The best way to handle any emergency is to be prepared. We strongly recommend that all horse owners maintain a first aid kit for potential emergencies such as colic, lameness, foot injuries, and wounds. Pioneer offers a well-equipped first-aid kit for purchase.
We always recommend that you do your best to remain calm when facing an emergency. Assess your horse’s condition as best you can prior to calling. The information you give us will help us to be better prepared to provide prompt and efficient service and care for your horse.